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During my time in boarding school, I have learned and experienced more than ever in my life. I have learned to interact and sometimes lead people, volunteer and give away the talent that I have, and found my undiscovered abilities and hobbies.

For me, the most joyful thing to do was to plan and carry out events in our school and when our school community members enjoy them. For example, in one of the school clubs I have taken an active leadership role in, the Alliance of Asian Culture and Experience, I planned a cultural festival in collaboration with Mi Gente, a Hispanic student group, and the Black Student Alliance. It was the first kind of initiative taken at school, converging different ethnic/cultural events into one major event in which all school members could participate. While preparing food, games, handicrafts, and other items to represent many cultures, we learned how to communicate across cultures. It was rewarding to see students, faculties, and even their families come to and enjoy the event, making it a new school tradition.

Being an editor of the Chronicle, our school’s publication, was also a new experience. Shedding light on what is happening in our school and the world made me feel a sense of responsibility and breathed a sense of community for all the school members. 

I have actively participated in school volunteering works such as Emerging Scholars, Special Olympics, Islamic Relief, and Comfort Cases. Emerging Scholars is the most memorable and heartwarming volunteering session I participate in every other week on Saturday morning. This program aims to put a foothold for kids from underrepresented groups to stand in society to succeed. I teach leadership, math, essay writing, and SSAT practice. Through these volunteering sessions, I became humble, for not everyone gets the opportunity that I have had, and felt a genuine connection with the little kids who follow me with trust.

Also, I was fortunate enough to be inducted into Cum Laude Society, where few people in our community with highly achieved academics and characters are members. 

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